Today you are five months old, which also translates to 152 days or roughly 3680 hours. We have been keeping track. Since just seconds after you were born, your dad started the stop watch feature on his iPhone and it has been counting the minutes of your life ever since.
You are growing and changing every day and starting to become your own person. Here are some of this month’s highlights:
- You can almost roll over and sit up on your own.
- Your first two teeth are visible…pizza, here we come!
- You definitely recognize your bottle, can hold it by yourself and it won’t be long before you are strong enough to feed yourself with it.
- You still hate the car seat, or anything that restrains you.
- You “talk” and “sing” to us all the time and one could swear you are trying to hold a conversation with us.
- You are able to play on your own for several minutes at a time.
- You have slept through the entire night just one time, but waking up just once…or twice.
- You visited your first state (Arizona) by going on your first round trip road trip to get there and you were a trouper, but I felt very guilty for putting you through that.
- You are a great yoga partner at our weekly Mommy & Me yoga class.
- You are still super in loud restaurants and with new people, in fact you seem to love chaos and noise, but also really appreciate our one-on-one quiet time together.
- You had your first sleep over at your friend Jackson’s house (whose mommy is a good friend of mine, so I was there too).
- Your hair has started to grow back and it’s either brown or blond depending on how the sun hits it.
- You love to play with your feet, although I think you are only aware of your right one so far. 🙂
- You are finally enjoying playing in your exersaucer (in small doses).
- At least once a week, you accompany your dad to Pannikin Coffee & Tea so I can sleep in. It is your special time together.
- You have met three of your great aunts and one great uncle.
- Since you born, I have pushed you almost 240 miles in your BOB stroller on our daily walks.
- You celebrated your first Halloween as an adorable little monkey.
- Your eyes are still blue. 🙂
You have changed my entire world and I fall more in love with you every day. I can’t wait to see what the next month has in store for us.
The best is yet to be.
Happy 5 Months Lucas!! You are changing everyday and I am so happy to be apart of it!