You haven’t been here very long and I am ashamed to admit that I have already done a handful of things that are sure to earn me the Worst Mother of the Year award, IF they gave such an award. I am not proud of these acts, but desperate times called for desperate measures. They include:
- Propping your bottle up on a burp cloth so that I didn’t have to hold it.
- Laying you on the floor of a public bathroom (on a changing mat of course) because there was no changing table, which really should be mandatory in all public restrooms to avoid this in the future.
- Laying you on the cold kitchen counter top while I prepared a bottle for you or downed my breakfast.
- Leaving you alone in the car for 49 seconds while I ran into the gas station to pay for gas because the ATM machine by the pump was broken. And, before you ask, yes, the doors were locked.
- Leaving a dirty diaper on you for so long, you had a major you-know-what blow out. It wasn’t pretty and I definitely learned my lesson.
- Putting you in a stroller without strapping you in.
I hate to break it to you, but I guarantee, there will be more minor offenses in our future together, but I would NEVER intentionally put you in harm’s way. Not like the mother in Australia, whose stroller rolled onto train tracks with a six-month old on board and a train approaching. Thank goodness the baby was strapped in and only suffered a bump on the head. Could this mother be the Worst Mother of the Year? You be the judge. It can happen in a flash; in less than seven seconds my whole world could be turned upside down. I shutter at the thought.
The best is yet to be and once again, lesson learned! Never say never.
There is NO WAY that you would ever for a second win worst mother of the year award.. sorry!
I'm so with you on the changing stations in public restrooms. I wrote a scathing letter to Starbucks when Mattias was an infant because they have enormous bathrooms in every one I've been in, yet no changing tables. But they'll let homeless people come in, use the bathroom and sit in the chairs without making a purchase and they'll let people bring their little freaking dogs in too. Didn't get a response from them either…so they've lost some of my business (not all since you just can't escape Starbucks as they are everywhere) and most of my respect.