Confession time! I have always been an anxious person who has difficulty relaxing. I like to be on time and have a need for things to be “just so”. I like to see towels hanging evenly and enjoy a very organized refrigerator and having the pantry stocked with labels facing outward and neatly lined up. I believe that everything has a place and that a well made bed is the perfect foundation to start a good day. I like to have a plan and love to make lists. I thrive on order and okay, I’ll admit it, control. I have never been diagnosed with OCD, but clearly I have a touch.
Over the years, I have tried many different things to relax, let my hair down and free myself of my overactive brain. Yoga has been extremely successful for me, as it makes me witness to my own breath, helps release tension and allows me to reconnect with my spiritual self. Yoga and mass quantities of wine. 🙂
Life with a baby means that schedules, control and order go right out the window. I’ve had no choice but to learn to let go…a little, roll with the punches and breathe A LOT deeper than I ever have in a yoga class. I knew that having a child would do this to me and in a selfish way it’s one of the reasons why I wanted a one. I knew I needed something bigger (or in your case smaller) than myself or a nice Cabernet to s l o w down.
Everything you are experiencing, you are experiencing for the first time and I don’t want miss a moment of it by rushing on to the next thing. The world is full of really cool stuff and taking the time to appreciate it all through your eyes is precious.
I don’t have all the answers and I’m FAR from perfect and the sooner you learn this about me, the better. I’m sure I have already made a lot of mistakes with you in your three and a half short months on this planet, but I’m only human. I know that learning to go with the flow is the best thing I can do for us both. Your dad tells me every day how happy you are and I’m starting to think so too. I know I am.
Namaste, baby.
The best is yet to be.
Lucas is a very happy little boy! I think that he'll only grow more and more happy the older he gets.