Over the past few days you and I seem to be completely out of synch…we are both cranky and irritable, which doesn’t make for a good combination. You are teething and got four immunizations at your four month well-baby appointment last week, we have been on-the-go non-stop and entertaining house guests all week. You love the stimulation and all the attention, of course, but I think I have been expecting too much from you and that’s just not fair. I’m sorry.
I haven’t been able to comfort you or read you very well. I can tell you want to be happy and are trying to stay in a good mood by smiling and giggling at everyone, but when you’re not feeling well or too much is going on around you, how can you? It can all get to be too much for a baby and it’s so crucial that I remember that.
Thank goodness your dad has such a calming effect over you. He has definitely come to our rescue more than once in the last several days as the only one that can soothe you. I will try not to take it personally, but it can be upsetting when your baby rejects you in favor of your partner.
I promise to slow down our schedule and create more quiet time for you in order to get back into your good graces.
The best is yet to be and tomorrow is a brand new day!
I promise that next week and next weekend will be relaxing. Please do not feel like you have to entertain me…even though I know you already know that.
And give yourself a break!
A few days at home with some quiet time recharges everyones batteries!
Remember too that Lucas will be changing all the time and just when you think you have it all sussed out he will throw a curve ball at you!! Don't be so hard on yourself Lucas loves you no matter what!