Everything changes when you have a baby. Loss of freedom and lack of sleep aside, your whole way of thinking shifts when you have a baby. Your senses are all heightened and it really is the strangest and most wonderful thing.
Aside from the typical new parent worries: are you getting enough to eat, are you warm enough, are you safe and are you breathing; here are just a few of the NUMEROUS mindset changes that have taken place for me.
Since I became a parent I feel like I am now a member of an exclusive club. I have a new sense of camaraderie that I never felt before with my fellow man, and in particular with my fellow moms. Now, whenever I pass one at the grocery store or mall, we nod and smile at one another as if to say, “I get it” or, “Hang in there”. It’s very comforting.
I find that people in general are kinder and more helpful to me now that I am a mother. They not only hold open doors, but actually strike up conversations AKA compliment you like crazy. I suppose everyone likes cute adorable quiet smiling babies. I can’t go anywhere without complete strangers asking me how old you are or commenting on your blue blue eyes.
I am way more cautious about everything that I do now; from driving to eating. Your father and I both owe it to you to stay safe and healthy and to do so by setting good examples for you. I find myself thinking twice about what I put into my body and about the products we purchase for our home. I am reading labels more and making a more concerted effort to be eco-friendly. You will inherit this earth and it is all of our responsibilities to take the very best care of it that we can.
There’s also more trivial changes like, the “How do I get to the top floor with a stroller?” strategies that takes place that I never gave a second thought to before our stroller became an everyday accessory. Come to find out, not every store, restaurant or neighborhood with sidewalks is stroller-friendly and in many places, if it weren’t for federal handicap access laws, we’d be screwed! Can you imagine? I never used to take elevators, ever and now I find myself constantly seeking them out.
I shop totally differently now too. Instead of heading straight to the handbags or shoes, I go to the baby department in search of the next size of clothing for you. It isn’t about me or my wants anymore.
I know over time I will be able to add to this list, but for now I look forward to the further shift in my thoughts and priorities.
The best is yet to be.
Hearing you talk about motherhood and all the feelings that come along with this club makes me super excited to one day be a mother! But don't worry, I'm not in a big hurry! I know that I have time!
I am so glad that Lucas got Daddy's beautiful blue eyes! I hope they stick around.
Oh and its not just you, everywhere I go, I head to the baby department first! Haha! Oh dear! I can only imagine what I am going to be like when its my own baby!!