When Lucas was born, one of my friends had a three month old and another was still pregnant with her first. Over the course of those first four months of our being new mommies, the text messages between us were indicative of what we were going through, the highs and lows of being new parents and the wonder and mystery of very uncharted territory. Thank goodness for our friends!
Some of these are to and from Todd as well.
These are definitely texts I never thought I’d send or receive:
Already had a poop blow out and got spit up on…it’s going to be a great day! Grr! Sent September 21
My kid is gassing up a storm right now while I feed him. Stinky boy. Received September 18
Seriously, how do you get rid of the stinky milk ring around the neck smell?! Sent September 17
My size 10 jeans are too big…finally! I miss my old body! Sent September 12
I am cracking myself up, I just fed LMW in Bjorn with one hand while I ate a Subway sandwich with the other. I should have had someone take a picture. Sent September 11
I believe my 13 week old just gave me the cold shoulder. Sent September 5
My son has already had three outfits on today and I’m still in my jammies! Sent August 27
LMW was a super star on the plane!! I am so relieved. Sent August 14
Back in my old bra size today! Yay!! Sent August 13
I wish my hair would just stop coming out. This is nuts. 6 months of it! Received August 11
I almost just donated your son to Goodwill!! He has been screaming for 15 minutes and counting! Sent August 6
It’s amazing how with LMW a trip to Chipotle can turn into a drive through Del Taco. Received August 1
I just got my first “real” smile. My heart is melting. Sent July 22
Just got spit up between my toes! Sent July 20
LMW just had the biggest poop blow out that I cut his onesie off and threw it away! Ah, the joys of mommyhood. Sent July 16
LMW has officially outgrown his newborn diapers! Sent July 8
It’s almost 4:30 and I just got around to brushing my teeth! This new parent thing is tough. Sent June 22
Alone with Lucas for the first time today. So far so good… Sent June 16
Our living room looks like a Babies R Us! Sent June 13
Happy circumcision day! Received June 11
I feel like I have been let in on one of the world’s greatest kept secrets: parenthood! Sent June 11
Love all these!