I heard Jenny McCarthy (former Playboy Playmate and MTV game show host turned activist) on The Today Show last week say that it took her a full year to get back into her pre-pregnancy jeans. Of course, she claims to have gained 60 pounds while pregnant to my 34, but I was so discouraged I wanted to cry!
After having given birth, I have a new found respect for my body and all of it’s capabilities. After all, it made a human! While pregnant, I felt physically stronger than ever and more beautiful the bigger I got. I knew my body was performing a miracle–it created, carried, protected and delivered a healthy baby into this world. Fast forward three months later and I am left missing my old body! I miss the size 6 pants and 29 low rise jeans that I use to wear before I was creating a new life. My parts and pieces feel and in some cases, look completely out of place and my post baby belly is so unflattering that I doubt I’ll ever be in a bikini again. How long does it take the linea nigra to fade anyway?
I believe that our society puts a lot of pressure on women to “bounce back” to their pre-pregnancy state, especially when we see celebrities like Jessica Alba and Heidi Klum rocking the red carpet so quickly after giving birth and looking slimmer and more glamorous than before they were pregnant. It’s not fair! No, I’m not delusional, I get it, I realize that looking fantastic is a part of their job and that they have personal chefs and trainers and nannies! The pressure I feel about my body is all my own and I know it’s unhealthy and more than a little ridiculous, considering it was just 13 weeks ago that I gave birth. Nevertheless, it’s there and it’s very real to me.
Nine pounds left to lose before I’m at my pre-pregnancy weight and with a little determination, a lot of diligence and saying no to dessert and beer, I know I’ll get there. I just hate being in this in between state where nothing fits! I’m proud of the fact that I’m back in my old bras (a small victory), even if I’m still wearing my maternity pants.
The best is yet to be.
I so understand this and it'll happen! You were so good at working out during your pregnancy, that you'll be back in your skinny jeans before you know it. Until then, one word: SPANX!!! 🙂