Your dad spent most of the day with you today solo while I spent literally hours trying to figure out what to do with myself.
After taking a very long, very hot shower, in which I loofahed my entire body and shaved areas that have been hairy for far too long, I added three more mommy blogs to follow to my list, read through every What To Expect The First Year e-mail newsletter I have received in the last three weeks and then realized that the only books on my bedside table are: On Becoming Baby Wise, The Happiest Baby on the Block, The No-Cry Sleep Solution and Trees Make the Best Mobiles. Agh! Is this really what my life has come to? Is absorbing mommy information the only thing that I’m interested in nowadays?
It is hard to recall what I used to do with all of my free time before baby, but that doesn’t mean I don’t miss it or think about it longingly. I think I had hobbies, didn’t I? I vaguely remember reading novels and flipping through glossy magazines for hours on end, watching movies from start to finish in one sitting, enjoying leisurely lunches with friends, having meaningful conversations with your dad that didn’t involve the words “poop”, “melt down” or “nap”, pushed myself to the limit in hard core work outs, took last minute trips to Vegas and Palm Springs and indulged in many guilt free glasses of wine, oh yes and sleep.
I suppose my old interests aren’t gone completely or forgotten, they’ve just expanded to include the most important activity in my life right now, which is raising little you.
When given some me time, why was I at such a loss for what to do today?
I finally just got in the car and drove. I ended up taking myself to lunch and then walked around our local farmer’s market for 45 minutes (something I have wanted to do since we lived here) and got some beautiful produce and fresh flowers; then thank goodness my favorite spa takes last minutes appointments, I got a facial. After that, I spent a glorious hour wandering around the bookstore looking up, you guessed it, baby information! I couldn’t help it, I instantly gravitated towards the Parenting section.
All in all, it was a truly rejuvenating afternoon and not a bad way to spend a few baby free hours by myself.
The best is yet to be.
I hope u continue to have these Lucas-free days. They are so important to your sanity! And I truly believe that they make you a better mother when you are around him. Perhaps they'll also give him a better appreciation for you when you do come home to him. Of course Todd needs this time to be alone with Lucas too. He certainly doesn't seem to get a whole lot of it for now.