Maybe I am just having a particularly good week or perhaps I have completely gone off the deep end, but I believe anyone do this mommy thing. I mean, let’s be honest, the work itself is relatively easy…make a bottle, feed, burp, change a diaper (or six), hold, walk around, bounce, swing, sway, dance, or sing (insert your favorite method here) to keep baby from crying, give an occasional bath, be able to do at least one load of laundry every day, be completely willing to make a fool of yourself and do all this on very little sleep with more patience than you ever thought you had and repeat ALL. DAY. LONG. I’m sure most of my mommy friends won’t agree with me, but anyone can do this job. Don’t get me wrong, the work is exhausting, frustrating and monotonous, but if orchestrated and managed correctly, it is not hard.
Every paying job I have ever had required me to have a high level of organizational skills, an extreme attention to detail and the ability to multi-task. I have taken these areas in which I am proficient and applied them to motherhood. I have found that the key is staying ahead of the game ever so slightly by having the next bottle or two ready, the car packed up BEFORE putting the baby in it, the changing station replenished with diapers, burp cloths and onesies ready for the next day, trying to sleep when you sleep and ALWAYS carrying a burp cloth!
I’m not claiming to be a pro and I know I have A LOT to learn about being a Mom. This job calls for skills I realize I don’t have now, nor ever will, and some I hope I actually do posses, but just haven’t tapped into yet. I can assure you that I will continue to do my very best with love and I will also revisit this entry whenever I’m feeling a bit cocky and especially when we are going through potty training and negotiating curfews.
The best is yet to be.
Definition of the word mother from Wikipedia:
A mother is a biological and/or social female parent of an offspring.[1] Because of the complexity and differences of a mothers’ social, cultural, and religious definitions and roles, it is challenging to define a mother to suit a universally accepted definition.
Mom, mommy, mama, and ma are some common or familiar words for a mother. Many times these terms denote affection or a maternal role in a child’s life. The mother may only be the biological parent: “Anyone can be a mother, but it takes someone special to be a Mom.” As such, someone can be a mother and not a mom, or a mom and not a mother.
Hmmmm…I may beg to differ…Britney Spears seems better now but was sure having a hard time for awhile. And what about Susan Smith or Andrea Yates? They certainly SUCKED at their job. Motherhood is a blessing and very rewarding, but also one of the most difficult jobs in the world.
I guess just because anyone can be a mother doesn't mean everyone should be!