My relationship with cooking took a long and winding road to get to the stage it is at today.
I never spent anytime in the kitchen growing up. My mother was culinary challenged too. She could bake, but never really taught me anything. I learned my own way around the kitchen through trial and many, many, many errors! I completely ruined a pot burning rice type of error.
I would still eat like I was in college, if it weren’t for my husband and children. Did you know that they want dinner every.single.night? It’s exhausting!
And cooking is hard.
I still have trouble cracking an egg without getting shell in the bowl.
There was a time when I would have said that I didn’t know the first thing about cooking and being in the kitchen was like Chinese torture.
That’s not the case any more.
I also realized the difference between not liking to cook or not being comfortable with it and not liking to be a bad cook. There is a big difference. And it turns out, it’s much easier than I thought! It’s time consuming and frustrating, but I know how to make rice now.
My husband and I don’t entertain a part from the occasional playdate or sleepover, for the children’s benefit. My in-laws visit every so often, as does my sister and her boyfriend and I’ll have a girlfriend or two over when my husband travels so I use these opportunities to stretch my culinary skills.
Over the last couple of years, I’ve actually been cooking for my family and they eat what I make.
Most of the time. The children are way pickier than my husband!
We’ve been in our house almost two years and have yet to have a housewarming party of any kind. We need to do that and I’d love to be able to say I prepared all the food served.
Sprinkled throughout this post are some dishes I’ve made this year that haven’t sucked.
The photos are mine and I found all the recipes on Pinterest. If you click on them, they’ll lead you to the original site.
I’m always looking for a new recipe to tackle and next on my list are crab cakes, humus, egg rolls and cinnamon rolls. Have a recipe to share?
Those all look delicious! I’m not that great of a cook, either. I have a few signature dishes, but they’re all super easy. I just don’t love recipes with a million steps or ingredients!
I like to cook IF I have the time to spend doing it right. Which isn’t all that often.