As I carefully cut price tags off shorts and hang collared shirts both one size bigger than last year, my mind is flooded with thoughts and my heart starts to ache.
I think about what a fun summer we’ve had and how I’d like a little more. A little more time with Lucas. Just Lucas.
I think about how much my boy has grown in the last three months and what an awesome child he is. He’s funny and smart, curious about everything, a great reader and super big brother.
I think about first grade and how on earth this happen so quickly. I think about all of his first days of school so far. There have been four. Starting in 2011, Lucas went to preschool two mornings a week, then three, followed by three full days a week, then four and then came Kindergarten.
I think of all that I hope this school year will be for my son.
It is his second year in what still feels like a new school to me. He, on the other hand, fits right in and I love how his eyes light up whenever he talks about it.
I hope first grade is kind to him. I hope he is kind too. To everyone!
I hope he does his best, makes new friends, learns a ton and knows that I’ll be thinking about him every day.
I run my fingers along the crisp new shirts as they hang side-by-side in the closet, no longer on baby hangers and I weep.
He is just too stinking cute! I hope that he has a wonderful year ahead in 1st grade!!!! Wow, how can he be in first grade already?! That’s insane!
Love the yearly photos – he’s grown so much!