Oh, how I love this boy!
This boy who made me a mommy.
This boy who brings magic and joy to my life when I need it most.
This boy who is healthy and intelligent and creative and kind.
This boy who makes me act silly and come up with nonsensical song lyrics and dance around the kitchen.
This boy who knows exactly what to say to get me on the trampoline.
This boy who has me learning Skylanders characters and sharing the latest Star Wars movie previews and downloading games with names like Pixel Gun and Buddyman to our iPad.
This boy who costs me at least $20 more every time I take him with me to the supermarket.
This boy who I can’t say no to when it comes to books.
This boy who shares my love of dinning out and being pampered.
This boy who is sensitive and rambunctious, curious and insightful.
This boy who can push each and every single one of my hot buttons to the point where I am in tears and yet, I love him anyway.
This boy who I schedule play dates for, buy his favorite snacks, pay a dollar so he’ll run upstairs to check on his napping sister and can make me giggle until I almost pee in my pants.
This boy owns me.
This boy is gold.
Lucas, my sweet boy, you are awesome and being your mom makes me happier than anything else I have ever done, or will ever do in my lifetime.
I believe in you and know you will reach any goal you set your mind to. I am on your side, your cheerleader, and biggest fan. Always!
I can’t wait to see what six holds.
Happy Golden Birthday, fellow.
Happy 6th Birthday, Lucas!
Lucas is awesome and such a fun kid to be around! I am lucky that he is my nephew!