Nowadays with Netflix and Amazon instant video, movies going to DVD within months of their release on the big screen, RedBox rentals, On Demand, AppleTV and the 500 channels cable companies provide, there really is no reason to see a movie in the theater anymore.
But, in the theater is my favorite way to enjoy a movie.
Growing up, going to see a movie was a family pastime and with two small children, something I seldom do anymore. My husband hates going to the theater and it’s rare, but I can drag him to see something or if there is something I am dying to see, I’ll go alone.
And so today, I blew off cardio barre and a ton of errands and disappeared into the dark for just under two hours.
I took myself to see The Age of Adaline.
I loved every moment.
Both the disappearing and the film.
I knew I would.
One of my favorite books ever is The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger and I liked the movie too. Time travel is fascinating as is defying age and beating mortality.
Like with The Time Traveler’s Wife, The Age of Adaline asks the viewer to suspend all belief in things that cannot be explained scientifically and let the movie take you to an extraordinary place.
You have to believe that miracles can happen.
Adaline, played by the stunning Blake Lively does a remarkable job. Her voice and her mannerisms are flawless much like her appearance as Adaline Bowman.
After having been in a car accident, a series of unlikely events occur at the same time and Adaline ceases to age, forever remaining 25.
Adaline’s story is fluid and original and also very sad. Adaline is close to very few people and picks up her life every decade or so to move to a new town and assume a new identity. She lives this way for 60 years and then an encounter with someone she used to know forces her to come clean and let go.
The movie was also visually beautiful with San Francisco as the background and the gorgeous and elegant costumes made for perfect eye candy.
I know how difficult it is to get away, but if you need a wonderful escape, I highly recommend this lovely and thought provoking film. If you do happen to see, please let me know your thoughts.
From IMDb: After miraculously remaining 29 years old for almost eight decades, Adaline Bowman has lived a solitary existence, never allowing herself to get close to anyone who might reveal her secret. But a chance encounter with charismatic philanthropist Ellis Jones reignites her passion for life and romance. When a weekend with his parents threatens to uncover the truth, Adaline makes a decision that will change her life forever.
I’ve been wondering about that one! Thanks for the intel. XO
I listened to an interview with her last week and it sounds like she worked really hard to capture the mannerisms and even the way women spoke during the turn of the century. Glad that it lived up to your high expectations! I haven’t been to the movies in forever!