We are so lucky, Lola is an excellent sleeper. She goes for 4-5 hour stretches each night, which means she’s only up twice, around midnight and 4 o’clock. My husband and I take turns and typically I have an easier time getting her to go back to sleep but after she has been fed and burped and changed and kissed and rocked, I am wide awake!
Try as I might to will myself back to sleep, never turning on a light or the television, lying still and breathing deeply, most nights I fail miserably.
And I know I shouldn’t grab for my phone, but it’s right there on the nightstand beguiling me. So here’s what I do at 4 in morning:
- Respond to text messages… I know, a little but but better late than never.
- Unsubscribe to unwanted promotional e-mails.
- Meal plan.
- Write partial blog posts.
- Research soon-to-be expired Groupons I’ve purchased.
- Look up answers to curious four-year-old questions, like knock-knock jokes, if fish sleep (they do, BTW) and birthday party themes.
- Play Words With Friends (thank you to those who are up at the same time!).
- Read, thanks to my Kindle app (!).
- Order stuff…. diapers mostly but lately several packages have arrived at our house that I don’t exactly recall ordering. With the Amazon.com and Diapers.com apps, it is just far too easy, not to mention expensive!
Time to keep my phone downstairs.
In the trunk of my car.
I do all these and I don’t have a little waking me up. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a vacation where all we had to do was sleep. And read. And eat. And then sleep again.
I check Instagram if I wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep! It’s like a rabbit hole of awesomeness.
I am so impressed with all that you get done at 4 a.m. Seriously!!!
So that’s why I get texts from you about then and the Words With Friends games played played when I wake up in the morning. 🙂 I enjoy Instagram when I can’t sleep at night. 🙂
I never had a problem going back to sleep. You poor thing! As if you have any sleep time to spare!
At least you’re well amused.
Those late night shopping sprees can be expensive!
So I’ve heard. 😉
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