My latest crush is on Jimmy Fallon (see yesterday’s post for 10 reasons why) and I love his segment on Fridays where he writes thank you notes. He’s essentially mocking the practice by thanking everything from…
Peer pressure, for being totally not cool. Unless my friends think it’s cool, then it’s pretty cool I guess
Jeopardy, for being the most entertaining way to remind me of how stupid I am.
For more, click here.
Here is my own list of thank you’s… some serious, some not so much and none as funny as Fallon.
Thank you to:
- Gardeners who turn off their leaf blowers and loud tree trimmers when I walk by pushing Lola in a stroller, but my own, even after talking to him about it still can’t grasp the concept of a sleeping baby.
- The litterbug who threw their empty American Spirit cigarette box on the street prompting a lively discussion with my four-year-old not only about the dangers of smoking, the importance of picking up after ourselves but also the relationship between cowboys and Indians.
- Drive-thru Starbucks! Seriously, I don’t know if God exists, but if he does, he gave moms the drive-thru.
- The man standing at the urinal who completely ignored me when I barged in with my two kids in tow. Oops. I really need to learn to read signs!
- The girl at the park who called me “ma’am”. As if my tired bones, dark circles under my eyes, gray roots and flabby postpartum gut haven’t been making me feel old enough. Sigh… For future reference, that salutation is never okay.
- The even younger girl at Yogurtland with your ass hanging out of your shorts and your midriff showing, you gave me something to think about when Lola is your age. NOTE TO SELF: Buy all of your daughter’s clothes!! Oh, and two things: yes, you’re hot and no, you are NOT dressed appropriately, not that you were wondering or care! Shame on your father, the man I presume and hope you were with for letting you leave the house dressed like that.
- Solar power, you rock! With the 90+ degree days we’ve been having lately, running our AC doesn’t make me tailspin into panic at the thought of our energy bills.
- Lola’s bowels that seem to know exactly when we are running late and headed out the door and decide to let loose, if you know what I mean. O_o
What are you “thankful” for?
Right now I’m soooo thankful for this headache that has shown up to hang out with me this afternoon. So sweet of it.
Star. Bucks. Drive. Thru. HEAVEN SENT. You’re totally right about that.
And yeah…I’ve been called ma’am a few times recently and no, it never makes me feel good.
I SOOO want solar panels someday.
Hah! Great thank yous!
Thank you to whoever it was trying to get into my hotel room that one night I get to myself, and got me all wound up and unable to sleep for a while. 🙂
Jimmy Fallon’s Thank You Notes have been my favorite things since forever. I giggle every week. And yours are great! Oh, and maybe by the time Lola is a teenager the 90’s trends of wearing huge flannels that cover every inch of your body will be back in style. So no worries!!
This is super cute. I am thankful for so much! 🙂