Call it hormones, the wacky weather, lack of sleep or just first world problems, here are 10 things currently pissing me off:
1. Toilet paper in public restrooms. Not only is it cheap and flimsy, why can’t I get more than one teensy square? I hate fighting with those damn dispensers!
2. Pharmacies. I wonder how much time I’ve wasted at the pharmacy this week alone; dropping off prescriptions, picking up prescriptions, arguing with pharmacists over prescriptions, waiting for prescriptions, coming back to pick up prescriptions. It’s enough to drive a person absolutely bananas!!
3. Bad parking jobs. Does anyone know how to park anymore? Twice this week I have had to climb into my car through the passenger door to get into the driver’s seat. The lines on the lot are there for a reason!!
4. Sunburns. Yep, I’m an idiot and before you ask, I was wearing SPF 55, but I guess it wore off after 5 long hours in the sun. Ouch!! Luckily, it’s only in my belly.
5. Apartment living. Enough said.
Actually, there is an entire blog post in that one, but I’ll save it for another day….
6. Poop. Specifically, people that don’t/won’t/can’t pick up after their dogs. O_o
7. Visiting blogs that make me jump through hoops to leave a comment. Math equations, Captcha quote and a check box? Just to prove I’m human? Are we still doing this? C’mon, already.
8. The punishment light. You know the one, your neighborhood has to have one, it’s the traffic light that is red no matter what direction you’re coming from and you always get stuck at it. Always!!
9. Services that just can’t be services. Regular every day, need to go places like the car wash or hair salon that have treats and snacks and ice cream and TOYS!!! Can’t I just get my car washed without having to argue with my son and say no 900 times?!
10. Customer, no service. It doesn’t matter where I go anymore, I can get no help from sales staff and they actually act like I’m just a huge burden to them. I know minimum wage is low, but please do your job.
What’s irritating you these days?
Having read about so many people moving into new homes lately, with massive backyards and actual forests in front of their garden, is making this apartment dweller totally envious!
And the customer service thing – Malaysia truly has the worse kind. Trust me.
When people don’t do their jobs and I have to pick up the slack. Apartment living does suck. Good list Tonya!
My latest complaint is how expensive Starbucks is. It’s like I just realized that my favourite drink costs over $4. That’s where I like to go and write, but I’m seriously disillusioned about it this week.
Dude. JUST TODAY I was doing a walk for mental health and lots of people had strollers and small kids and dogs. I saw people cleaning up after their dogs, but then there was the person who didn’t and then MY stroller wheel went through it. Right on the paved path. WTF??
The TP situation is the same at my work in the staff bathroom where it’s set up like a public restroom dispenser. I feel like I am in there for 20 minutes just trying to get more than one square to wipe after PEEING.
What I’m saying is…I feel ya.
Oh #7, how I hate thee! Don’t you know that nothing makes me leave your blog faster while not commenting like making me prove that I’m a human?
I’m annoyed with treats everywhere these days. We went to the bank, kids get a lollipop. Go to the dry cleaners, another freaking lollipop! Then to the grocery store and there are cookies in the produce section (really people?) and then stickers on your way out. My kids think they should get a treat everywhere they go now and I can’t stand it! And people, don’t ask me right in front of my kids if they can have a lollipop! I can’t say no once they know it’s an option without an epic meltdown.
The poop one just made me laugh! Especially funny since we are in the midst of potty training our toddler and we have 2 dogs… ok, not funny but I’m right there with you on that one! Hope next week is a little less irritating… 🙂
I’ve been noticing the math equations a lot more on people’s blogs! What gives?!?! The spam can be pretty entertaining and if you use something like Akismet it’s not to bad…. really.
3 & 6 are two of my big pet peeves. Especially #6 – gives the rest of us responsible dog owners a bad name.
My biggest pet peeves this week:
the weather (over here it keeps going from warm & sunny to cold & rainy in the space of hours)
ex-companies that take their sweet time to fill out forms..
headaches – I’ve woken up with one every day this week.
I got a sunburn over the weekend too. Ouch. And someones dog poos on our front lawn all the time. SO annoying!
Mosquitos are also on my sh*t list this week! ARGH!
Bugs. Bugs are pissing me off right now. If I have to deal with cicadas, I should get a pass on mosquitoes. And the price of amusement parks really just blew my whole day. $40 for a 3 yr old? I was already irritated by the tacky horse merry go round in the mall that wanted $1.00/ride. Seriously? What happened to quarters?
First world problems.