First and foremost, my thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by the explosions in Boston yesterday. It is heartbreaking that these events happen here and around the world.
We are half way through Project: Back To Basics, in which I vowed to go on a one month buying strike and refrain from buying Lucas any toys, games, Matchbox cars, Micro Drifters, sweets, books, or other unnecessary junk. Progress has been so-so and I’ve been keeping daily notes….
April 1: No incident
April 2: FedEx store – Lucas had a full melt down over markers and a package of Angry Birds flash drives. We walked out without anything and he was kicking and screaming.
April 3: Daddy brought home a Superman Pez dispenser from his trip. I wasn’t happy about it, but let it slide.
April 4: Lucas asked to borrowed a friend’s Monster Truck Cars after a play date.
April 5: Lakeshore Learning – Lucas had a crying fit over sponge dinosaurs, which he already has. I didn’t buy them and he pouted and fussed all the way home.
April 6: No incident and began telling me throughout the day that April is “no buy month”. Progress!!
April 7: Found a car at the park but still pleaded for Cars book, Angry Birds game and fishing pole with fish at Barnes & Noble. He didn’t get anything.
April 8: No incident – Spent two hours at the library and checked out 10 books, he acted like it was Christmas.
April 9: No incident
April 10: No incident
April 11: Lucas asked to borrow a friend’s stuffed turtle after play date.
April 12: Day 1 of Lucas’ Spring Break. We went to the Long Beach Aquarium and he begged me for an aquarium truck, which I bought. I know, I know. I felt like a total loser, but I did explain that he wasn’t going to get anything at Knott’s Berry Farm or Legoland, which we are planning to visit later in the week. SIDE NOTE: We have yearly passes to each amusement park. Lucas thanked me the rest of the day for the truck and played with it everyday.
April 13: Aaron Brothers – Lucas asked to “just look” at children’s section, had designs on a box of markers, but was able to leave them on the shelf and there was no fit or mention of them again.
April 14: No incident
April 15: Knott’s Berry Farm – Lucas was able to walk through the gift shop without asking for anything and he reminded me of the deal we made at the aquarium. More progress!!
April 16: Lucas and I spent two hours going through and organizing all of Lucas’ toys and made a small pile of items to donate. I could not be happier. There are still 14 days left in the month. I must stay strong!!
It’s really hard to say no your child, especially when they have big crocodile tears streaming down their face and they are causing a scene in a public place, but I’m learning slowly but surely to say no. No, not today, add it to your birthday list, let’s go home and play a game instead, what if we go to the park, etc. etc. etc.
Awesome! Good for you for staying strong.
It sounds like you’re making a lot of progress! I know it’s so hard, but look how far you two have come.
Nice!!! Way to go! Sounds like you are all on the right track 😀
I must admit I cave in sometimes, too. Sales and clearances don’t make it easy (I am a sucker for a good bargain).
At home, we normally emphasize the utility of toys to enjoy each other’s company, rather than the items themselves. Our LO is 3 and she makes me sooooo proud when she voluntarily shares -sometimes with sheer joy, other times with a tinge of reluctance. It doesn’t happen *always* but often enough that I feel the message is getting through <3
Additionally, there's tons of other stuff we have to work on also… one at a time.
this is pretty awesome. I’m sure it IS hard, really hard, but look at the progress in just a few weeks. that’s really great.
Wow! I am so inspired by this! We don’t buy our kids stuff unless it’s a holiday (or very rarely), but I still have trouble resisting shopping, even if it’s little purchases. I can’t believe how well your son is responding to it.
I think this is a great idea and something I should try to do. It’s so hard when you want to give them the world and make them happy.
Wow, you did good! You made me think about this because I end up buying the kids things here and there all the time… huh. I need to keep notes!
I think you are both doing great!
It takes 21 days for a habit to form. I have no doubt that by the end of the one month, it’d be more habitual for you NOT to buy, than it is to buy.
Way to go! I tried not to bring him too much when I came last weekend to keep up this. 🙂
Stay strong! I think this is good for both of you. I should probably do it with my kids too.
Good job! It does keep getting easier. Keep it up!
(And you have passes to Legoland?! Connor would be very jealous.)
Good job getting through the first meltdown, I’m sure it was the hardest! I hope this “no buying” didn’t include extra wine for you 🙂
Good for you! And good for Lucas 🙂