I’ve lost my temper.
I’ve lost my way.
I’ve lost jobs.
I’ve missed deadlines.
I’ve missed flights.
I’ve missed opportunities.
I’ve broken the law.
I’ve broken promises.
I’ve broken hearts.
I’ve overindulged.
I’ve under delivered.
I’ve lied.
I’ve cheated.
I’ve procrastinated.
I’ve had to have the last word.
I’ve taken short cuts.
I’ve screwed up.
I’ve made excuses.
I’ve said awful things to people I love.
I’ve played dumb.
I’ve destroyed relationships.
I’ve avoided confrontation.
I’ve given up.
I’ve misled.
I’ve bitched.
I’ve complained.
I’ve boasted.
I’ve belittled.
I’ve judged.
I’ve been stubborn.
I’ve been ungrateful.
I’ve been impatient.
I’ve been distrusting.
I’ve been cruel.
I’ve been selfish.
I’ve been weak.
I’m a mess.
But there’s this boy…
…and he is made of pure sunshine, turns my heart into butter and brings so much joy to my life.
He makes me want to be a better person.
Lucas is the best thing I have ever done in my life.
He’s a miracle.
My miracle.
And you’ve done so well with him, he’s precious!
(okay, what law did you break??)
I break the posted speed limit every single day. And there may have been a lipstick and a charm for a necklace when I was a teen. I’m hanging my head in shame.
What a perfect perspective. He is totally something to be proud of. 🙂
I think so!
yes, I totally get it. I have a “lucas” of my own, except his name is William, had him at 38, almost 39 and he’s the light of my life 😉 Amen to you Mama…(we may be older, but damn we appreciate it don’t we!!)
Yes, definitely! With age comes much appreciation.
There is a prayer that Jews say over and over again at Yom Kippur, and it goes very much like what you’ve written here. It is our repentance. But we say “We” because, as a group, we’ve all done all of these things and worse. And we believe in the power of owning it, and finding reasons to do it a little better the next year. As you obviously have.
Oh, I love that. Yes, none of us are perfect, but my son? At his age? He pretty much is and I am so proud to call mine mine.
You are doing good work with that boy. Just look at how happy he is!
You’re doing a phenomenal job as being his mother. Look at that smile!
You were the perfect recipient of that miracle…just look at the smile on his face.
Yes, Lucas is certainly a miracle. You don’t need me to tell you how much I adore him and that he filled a very large gaping hole in my heart the day he was born. XOXO 🙂