I’ve been sharing my words on Letters For Lucas for four years this coming August.
I started freelancing over a year ago.
I have had my own column since January.
And yet, I’m still finding my voice and navigating through my emotions to find out who I am and don’t yet consider myself a writer in the truest sense, but I do have a story to tell.
A month ago today, I submitted a very personal piece of my writing to Listen To Your Mother, the national series of live readings by local writers in celebration of Mother’s Day.
I was honored to be asked to audition.
A week ago, I read my submission.
It’s one thing to have a blog and publish posts that only a handful of people read and comment on, it’s another thing entirely to read your words out loud. To truly own them and give them life and emphasis. During my audition, I was focused but I shook the whole time. My voice trembled but I walked out feeling confident and relieved.
Today, I learned I have been cast!
I can’t describe how excited I am about this opportunity. I haven’t had a lot of good news in life lately and this has come at the perfect time. I’m already feeling more inspired to share my story and be moved by those of my fellow Sacramento cast members.
I am thoroughly looking forward to the next few weeks; the rehearsals leading up to the show, meeting new people, embracing this fresh flow of creativity, stepping out of my comfort zone, being a part of something bigger than me and having my very own Listen To Your Mother experience.
Congratulations on being cast!!! So wish I lived closer. I want to see the Nor Cal shows. I also wanted to audition but it’s just too far. I’ll be thinking about ya when it’s your time to shine and I can’t wait to see the videos once they’re up. You’re going to rock it.
Thanks, Mary! I am over the moon excited.
Congratulations. I’m not at all surprised they picked you.
You are too kind, Tracie! I appreciate the vote of confidence.
I am so excited for you Tonya! You deserve this. Xo
Thanks, Natalie!! I am very excited about this. Like the I could pee in my pants kind of excited. 🙂
Not surprised, but very proud. You’ve only just begun.
What a lovey compliment. Thank you. xoxo
Just found your blog and really enjoyed the little bit I had a moment to read–I’m looking forward to following you, reading more, and watching as your–as you put it–“handful” of readers grows, as it surely will! Congrats on being cast.
Thank you! I appreciate you stopping by. I hope you enjoy what you read. This is a wonderful opportunity for me to build my readership and step out of my comfort zone a little.
Awesome! Cannot wait to hear about your experience, and hear your lovely words. xoxo
You, Sherri are my inspiration! I’m thrilled that you’ll be sitting in the audience on May 12. Absolutely thrilled! xoxo
I can’t wait to meet you and get started on this journey. When this kind of female creative energy is assembled incredible growth occurs. It is like “Miracle Grow” for our essences. I already know none of us will be the same after this experience. I am putting the intention out there for this to be a positive, nurturing sustenance for our minds and souls. Something wonderful happens when women work together. BTW: You already are a writer. Your spirit knows it even if your mind hasn’t gotten the word yet. Looking forward to our first rehearsal.
Til then, Be well my new friend.
I could not agree more. Women are amazing!! I’m looking forward to meeting you soon.
Congratulations, my friend! So well-deserved, and I’m so proud of you.
Thanks, Alison! I’m so very excited about this and also kind of proud of myself too. 🙂
Congratulations!! I am so thrilled for you!
Thanks, Kimberly! I’m kind of thrilled too.
I am THRILLED for you.. And they are so lucky to have your voice.. Your story. You know I think you are amazing and phenomenal and inspiring.. Now the world will see why.
Yay… Xoxo
You are so sweet to me. Thank you for your kind words. I never thought of myself as inspiring. Until now. xoxo
This. Is. AWESOME!! YAY!!!
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