It’s been sitting on my nightstand for months and I now know why I waited so long to read it, I needed these words now.
I know everyone and their mother has already read Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail, but I finished it today and it did something I haven’t experienced from a book in a long time. Cheryl Strayed’s words reached a place deep inside me and I let them seep into my heart and soul making a profound impact.
Wild is inspirational and reflective of the struggles we all face in life. While reading, I made many parallels to my own life; the dissolution of my first marriage, my grief over losing my parents too soon, the rocky and yet oh so wonderful days of motherhood and not taking for granted the beauty that lies all around us, if we just stop to look, but the biggest comparison I made was to my infertility journey; the highs and lows and mammoth blisters in between.
Strayed is brutally honest about her weaknesses as well as her strengths and anyone going through any sort of hardship should read this book. I promise it will give you courage to help you face the hurts and overcome your grief as well as empower you to keep going no matter what the obstacles.
I have learned so much about longing and gut-wrenching pain over the last few years and I wonder how much more I can endure. It seems as though each heart break is more debilitating than the last and yet, somehow instinctively I know when our second child is placed into my arms, however and whenever that might be, just like Strayed’s final day of her 1100 mile soul searching hike, a dark, ominous cloud will be lifted and all of my doubts, struggles losses and tears will not have been in vain.
Few people have Strayed’s courage to live their own truth and to tell that truth without wavering. I admire her immensely, I am grateful for her words and hope in some small way that I am a tiny bit like her.
Have you read Wild?
My aunt recommended this to me, and I have to admit I wasn’t at all interested in reading it until I read your review 🙂
It’s so good!! Truly one of the best. I’ve NEVER had a book reach me like Wild did. Please let me know when you read it.
I loved Wild. My husband read it too and said he finally understood how I might have felt when my mom died.
(Did you know Cheryl Strayed is the columnist behind Dear Sugar?) (Have you read those columns?) (THEY ARE AMAZING and YOU WILL NEVER BE THE SAME.)
I should get my husband to read it too!
I did not know that Strayed wrote on Dear Sugar, but I will subscribe ASAP. Thanks for the tip!
I haven’t read it, but it’s going on my to-read list for the year. Sounds like something I NEED to read.
An easy read and a very powerful message. Let me know when you do and we can discuss. 🙂
I haven’t read this one yet either, but like Alison, I might have to put it on my to-read list after reading your review.
Clearly, it spoke to me loud and clear. Let me know if you read it, I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Oh yes, fantastic book! I read it over Christmas (the first book I’ve really read since my son was born – he’s now 2!) I love her journey and how she willingly explores the questions…I too related from the infertility standpoint and coming to grips with the fact that there are many more questions in life that we are asked to live with than answers..
Yes, I know what you mean about not being able to read with a child, luckily it was easy to get through.
So many questions, too few answers… Sigh.
There are so many times that I feel like I live in a bubble and right now I feel like it’s one of those times. I’ve never even heard of this book. But I am going to add it to my list of books to read. It sounds like something I really need to read right now.
I think you will really glean something from it. Please let me know if and when you read it and if it helps you. ** Hugs **
I just found out about that book a few weeks ago, so I havent read it yet. But the more I hear about it the more anxious I am to get it!
It really spoke to me. Obvs. Let me know if and when you read it and what you think.
Yes! It’s amazing to think of what she endured and how absolutely honestly she wrote about her journey (emotionally and physically.) I have one of her other books on hold at the library, but it’s taking FOREVER to get to me.
I have heard that her other books are equally wonderful. They are on my ever growing list…
I really loved this one, too.
{And I’m with you, I read it when I was meant to!}
Don’t you just love that? It’s like the universe kept making me put it at the bottom of the pile for some reason and I am so glad it did.
I love when a book resonates so much. I’m glad it left you with such a feeling of empowerment. I will put it on my must read list now!
I do!! Please let me know if and when you read it and what you think.
I LOVED this book! My husband bought it for me for Christmas – and honestly when I looked at the cover I wasn’t sure (it’s typically not my kind of book and probably never would have bought it for myself)…and I am SO glad he did!
I belong to Goodreads and was really shocked at some of the negative comments about this book, so I am glad to have come across your positive post!
I thoroughly enjoyed it and admire the author so much. She was real and honest and I respond very well to that.
I’m on Goodreads too, come find me!
I have it and it’s next on my list! I can’t wait to read it now!
Yay!! Let me know what you think of it once you do.
I haven’t read this but after reading this review, I know this is something I need to read. I’m adding it to my list.
Let me know what you think of it once you do. 🙂
I haven’t even heard of this book but after reading this it’s now on my must reads. I’m so sorry the struggles seem neverending Tonya. Wishing you lots of strength to keep getting through the tough times.
Thanks, Jessica. Like with you, I’m sure, some days are worse than others. It helps to read words that help me make sense of it all, provide a new and different perspective and do some self reflection in the process.
this has been on my list forever. i’m almost ALWAYS craving emotional uplifting stuff. It’s been recommended to me before and it sounds right up my alley. thanks for this!
Let me know what you think of it once you read it!
I haven’t read this book (actually I haven’t even heard of it). Adding to my book list…
If you read it, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. LMK!