1. Favorite 2012 Movie: Magic Mike… um, Matthew McConaughot AND Channing Tatum shirtless? Yes, please! (with Argo as a close 2nd)
2. Favorite Album: Away From the World – Dave Matthews Band
3. Favorite Song: Titanium by David Guetta featuring Sia
4. Favorite Tweeter: Too many to chose from! My favorite Facebooker is Galit Breen of These Little Waves because she posts engaging and thought provoking questions all the time that I just can’t help but respond to and follow along.
5. Favorite Blog: I read a ton (Farewell Stranger, Four Plus an Angel, Funny or Snot, In These Small Moments, Mommy of a Monster, My Time as Mom, Old Tweener, Reflections of Now, Sluiter Nation, Writing, Wishing, etc.) too hard to pick a favorite.
6. Favorite TV Show: Modern Family
7. Favorite Instagramer: iheartsunnydays, her (?) photos of every day objects and scenes are whimsical, fun and always give me pause.
8. Favorite Moment: 1) Earning my first freelance writing paycheck, 2) adding a puppy to our family, 3) thinking Lucas & I had seen the Space Shuttle Endeavor when it was still an hour away, 4) Todd texting me a picture of him meeting Dave Matthews.
9. Favorite Conference: N/A 🙁
10. Favorite Viral Video: Sesame Street: Share It Maybe
This post was written for Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop Prompt #1 The ladies at MomSmack listed their top 10 faves of 2012 here. Use their list as a template and fill in your own answers!
We have the same favorite movie!! 😉
And tomorrow when my post is scheduled to post, you’ll find Letters for Lucas on my favorite blog list, too.
Thank you my friend for including me here. I loves ya! xo
Great minds, my friend, great minds!
Aw, thanks for having me in your faves list. 🙂
But of course! xoxo
Another great list. I need to write these down. I really am preoccupied in 1985
1985 was an awesome year!!
Oh dear…am I the only woman 25-40 who has never seen Magic Mike? Love the Cookie Monster video…just showed it to my boys thanks to your link!
*clickin in from MamaKat*
Thanks for visiting!
Rent Magic Mike ASAP, you’ll be glad you did. 🙂
My 3 1/2 year old loves Cookie too.
Ooooh, wonderful list. I was (am?) obsessed with Titanium. When we went to Madonna in November, her DJ mixed it for a long time, and my husband said, “Wow. This is a good song. Is it new?” O_o
Have you seen the movie “Pitch Picture”? There’s an awesome a capella version. It’s just empowering and fun.
Also, I’m jealous of you seeing Madonna. I’ve seen her twice and she’s still one of the best!
Share it Maybe. Heh. Hadn’t seen that one yet.
Everyone it seems did a Call Me Maybe parody, but Cookie’s was one of the best.
What a great year! Here’s hoping for too many amazing moments to choose from this year too.
BTW: I’ve also never seen Magic Mike. When does it come to Netflix?
I don’t know about Netflix, but it is available on DirectTV! Rent it ASAP.
Of course I love that I made your favorites list 🙂
I think Magic Mike was the only movie I saw in the theater in 2012 and though I didn’t love that there was a plot to distract me – I’m so glad I got to see the gyrating in full screen!
MM was so fun and of course you made my favorites. Although it’s been a while since I left you some #commentcrack. You are due, my friend.
My 5th grader is in Honors Chorus at her school and one of the songs they will be singing is Titanium. I love listening to her practice it!
Oh, I bet that sounds awesome!! Such a powerful song and great for their self esteem to belt out. Enjoy.
I laughed out loud at “Matthew McConaughot.”
Stopping by from the link up!
Lacey @ And They Call Me Mommy
My roommate in college cam up with that and it just works! In more ways than one. 🙂
Aw, thank you so much for including me!!
Modern Family? An absolute favorite over here too! That show always keeps me laughing.
My pleasure, my friend and MF? Laugh out loud funny! Every single episode.
I enjoyed Magic Mike but not for the acting. 🙂
Thank you for including me in your favorite blogs! You would be on my list if I made such a list.
I hope this year you can send Todd a picture of you with DM.
Am I the only woman who hasn’t seen Magic Mike yet? I need to remedy that, right?
I so wanted to do this list, but then I had a book review for BlogHer that had to go up…and I realized I hadn’t watched ANY movies from 2012. How sad is that?
And thanks for the mention, sweet you. Love your words and your friendship.
Are you going to BlogHer this year?
Share it Maybe…. hilarious! I don’t even have to watch it and it cracks me up! lol
Lucas loved it too as he sat on my lap and watched it on my lap top. So funny. And what?! I’m not your favorite instaggramer and facebooker…. shocking! Haha NOT! :-p
Wow, amazing blog layout! How long have you been blogging
for? you make blogging look easy. The overall look
of your website is wonderful, let alone the content!