‘No’ is a complete sentence. – Anne Lamott
My son will never fully understand the term, “I’m starting to sound like a broken record” because he’ll never own a record, but it really is the best way to describe 90% of what comes out of my mouth and in through one of his ears and out the other on any given day.
Spoken in varying degrees of volume I might add.
If you aren’t going to eat it, why did you ask for it?
Let’s go, we’re going to be late!
Now, Lucas!!
I love you.
Please don’t put that in your mouth.
What do you say?
What did you say?
You’re so sweet, buddy.
No shoes on the couch.
Please don’t talk to me that way.
Will you please pick up these toys?
You did such a great job!
Do you need to potty?
Are you sure?
Do you need some help?
Let me fix your undies.
What do you mean no more kisses?
Are you tired?
No nap?
No potty talk, please.
Be nice to the dog.
How did I get so lucky?
It’s not time for TV.
No means no.
Stop at the corner!
Use the brake, not your shoe.
I’m so proud of you.
No splashing.
Be careful, buddy.
No running.
Thank you for listening.
None of that stuff belongs in here, take it into the play room.
Indoor voice.
Why are you yelling?
Please stop yelling.
Of course, I’ll get you a snack, read to you, play a game, color, put on music, take you to the park, jump on the trampoline, build a tower, let you play with glitter.
Agh!! I’m either cleaning up a mess you’ve made or the dog made.
That’s the 45th time you have asked me to help you look for your Chuggingtons and I said I would when we get home.
Not one more time, do you hear me?
Can you hear me?
Do you know how much I love you?
I think that I have that exact same record at my house. It can get tiring to hear after a while, can’t it?
I’m pretty sure my sons record consists of repeating what and why over and over.
Glad I’m not alone!
Ha ha! I love this! And it never stops, believe me! One day we’ll be saying pick your dirty undies up and put them in the hamper, get off the computer, put the music down… :O
Yes, I fear the repeating with continue but the statements might change a bit over the years.
We must all be playing the same record 🙂
Does that mean you go to bed each night with the same raging headache that I do?
This is so funny! Somedays I think I’m talking to myself all day 😉
It certainly feels that way sometimes.
Giggle. This is so true. Repeat, add hugs, repeat the next day 🙂
Thank goodness for the hugs. I’ll take those on repeat! 🙂
It really is endless, huh? haha Cute post.
Hah! I have this record at my house too. Boys… 😉
Something tells me it’d be the same with girls.
Sometimes I think I ask “Do you need to go potty” about 33,454,353 times a day.
Oh, that is the worst question of them all!!
I love this post.
I love the Anne Lamott quote, I love that you say the EXACT same stuff I say to Eddie. I just…love it!
Generally I do not learn article on blogs, but I wish to say that this write-up very forced me to try and do it!
Your writing style has been surprised me.
Thanks, very nice post.