You will fight.
You will fight over the remote.
You will fight over the covers.
You fight over finances.
You fight over chores.
You fight over parenting styles.
You fight over in-laws.
You fight over friends.
You fight over colleagues.
You fight over long hours at the office.
You will fight over long hours at the laptop.
You will fight over TV shows.
You will fight over where to vacation.
You will fight over piles of stuff.
You will fight over where to spend the holidays.
You fight over back seat driving.
You fight over the thermostat.
You fight over where to have dinner.
You fight over which movie to see.
You fight over politics.
You will fight over religion.
You will fight.
You will listen.
You will apologize.
You will compromise.
You will hold hands.
You will kiss.
You will make up.
You will fall in love all over again.
love this. Should be required reading for engaged couples.
Agreed! It’s not always sunshine and rainbows. But then again, it is. 🙂
This is perfect.
Thanks. It’s an imperfect perfect union.
Yes and yes to all of the above.
It’s a crazy ride, isn’t it?
Lovely. 🙂