July sucked.
I was SO happy to turn the page on my calendar yesterday. Yes, there were some memorable moments, but for the most part I am more than ready to move on. July really brought out the worst in me.
I wrote a post earlier this week called The Yucky Side, where I shared just that; all the super crappy qualities about myself.
As I ring in a new month, I want to share the good stuff. I figure, new month, new attitude!
I like this version of myself…
the one that says she’ll do something and 9 out of 10 times does.
the one that is energetic and enthusiastic, ready to do just about anything at least once.
the one that asks poignant questions with genuine curiosity and waits to hear and process the answers before wanting to know more.
the one that sends cards and text messages to friends just to “check in” or let them know she’s thinking about them.
the one that no matter how many times she gets knocked down, always seeks the silver lining, picks herself up and keeps going.
the one that can laugh at herself, knows she’s a terrible dancer but can carry a tune.
the one that and usually learns from her mistakes and passes her wisdom on to others.
the one that would never let a friend cry alone, gets choked up at Hallmark commercials, tender innocent comments her son makes, breathtaking sunsets and a lyric in a Dave Matthews song.
the one that has the ability to multitask like no one she’s ever met, organize absolutely anything and basically knows how to get shit done.
the one that is well-rounded, interested in a variety of topics and able to hold a conversation with just about anyone.
the one that is dependable, reliable, will never lie and would drop everything to come to your aid if you’re her friend.
the one that is confident but will never put on airs or pretend to be something she is not.
the one that is strong, tough, not afraid to sweat, get her hands dirty and will go the extra mile (literally and figuratively).
the one that is passionate about reading and finds true relaxation and escape in books and will always pass on her favorites to friends.
the one that is determined, focused and willing to stand up for for she believes in.
I am human and there are many sides to me.
Thank goodness.
Have you ever fully realized that life is, after all, merely a series of habits, and that it lies entirely within one’s own power to determine just what that series shall be? ~ Ralph W. Trine
You sound awesome. I already knew you would be of course.
All reasons why we love you.
awesome standards to live by!the book of the best side i like to refer to is similar,9 out of 10 ratio is about right on to sum the best side up!
When we know all of our various personalities, flaws and all, then we can love the entire package … and we’re worth it!
You are full of so many good qualities Tonya.
all of these things make me miss you. LOVE these awesome things, Tonya. But it’s even better that you recognize them in yourself. I think that is what makes you so confident and caring and such a great friend.
Last week amid much hype, Apple unveiled their long awaited tablet computer, dubbed the iPad.