Growing up overseas, I moved around a lot leaving friends behind and learning how to be exceptional at correspondence (this was WAY before e-mail, Facebook, Twitter or iPhones). I also discovered that while geography may sometimes divide us, some friendships run so deep that miles don’t matter. I have written about my lifelong friend, Sophie many times before.
Rach writes Life Ever Since and she is my guest today with a letter to her best friend who just moved far away. I think we can all identify with their bond. Here’s hoping they get to see each other again very very soon.
When Tonya first asked me to share a letter here on her series, I pondered just who I’d write my letter to. But quickly the thought hit me: my best friend T, who recently decided to move back to her hometown. I was selfishly a little sad that she moved so far away, but nonetheless, I’m so happy for her that she’s found a great job in a great place and is getting settled with her family.
Dear T,
We first met nearly 22 years ago when I was the shy, awkward new girl with extremely frizzy hair and bad fashion sense. Nonetheless, you befriended my middle school self and we soon discovered we had a lot in common: We were good at math, we shared the same sarcastic sense of humor and we both loved to prank call the guys in our class. Wait, what?
We spent many a weekend hanging out in high school, talking about the future, boys, clothes, parents. We could share anything. Soon, it was time to leave for college and we went our separate ways. We still kept in touch, but sporadically. There was a time when I was sure we’d outgrown our friendship.
Thankfully I was wrong and we ended up in the same city after graduation. We picked up where we left off and once again shared many adventures, this time as adults (if you could call us that) in the “big city.”
And like old times, we shared hopes, dreams and complained about boys.
Through the years, I’ve been both amazed and blessed by our friendship. You’ve been there through some tough times for me, and I hope I’ve been there for you too. Life has grown us up in so many ways: marriage, children, job loss, losing a parent, struggling through depression.
But through it all, we still have managed to keep our friendship intact. I’m grateful that when we do talk and see each other, we can be our inane 17 year old selves recalling fun times, yet we can also be two mothers trying to navigate a rough day.
Thank you for all the love and generosity over the years. For bringing me DVDs when I was sick with kidney stones, for plunging my toilet when it was overflowing, for the bachelorette party and the Miracle Swaddling Blanket. It’s amazing to see a friendship that has truly lasted a lifetime.
And I’m looking forward to many more years of friendship. Distance is no matter. I’m always a phone call or plane ride away. So I’m not going to say good-bye to you. I’m going to say “See ya.” Because I will, my friend. Soon.
Follow Rachana on Twitter and Pinterest.
Such a lovely letter, Rach.
And a true friend who is one who WILL plunge your toilet for you. 🙂
And she plunged it in her nice church clothes no less!
It is wonderful to have friends who last a lifetime. You are lucky to have each other.
Thanks. I know I am very lucky. And grateful.
It is hard to leave good friends. There are so many ways to stay in touch these days, though, and like you say you are always just a phone call or plane ride away. Beautiful letter!
We’ve been apart before b/c of college and jobs so I’m just looking at this as another challenge in a new season of friendship. And I’m determined to keep up with her!
Great guest post Rach! So glad you have such a great friend like this in your life!
I am too. Just sad that she’s not my neighbor!
Great letter.
I could have written this to MY best friend of 30 years who moved away to the “big city” from our “tiny town”.
Oh I hope you two still keep in touch too! Distance is no match for some friendships.
That is a beautiful letter. Really.. it is.
To have a friendship that has lasted through so many years is a wonderful thing to have no matter what the distance is between the two of you.
Thank you, Jackie. I’m not going to let a few hundred miles get in the way!
Thanks for sharing such a sweet letter to your obviously amazing friend. Those are the people that see you through the rough times and celebrate the good. Consider yourself lucky to have friends like that.
Thank you Robbie. I realize how rare and precious something like this is and I’m amazed that I have that in my life.
This is a beautiful letter, Rach. It reminds me of my best friend. We all need a friend like that in our lives.
We absolutely do!
How sweet. I loved reading this and can see myself and my best friend that I’ve know since middle school. Some friends will always be around no matter what!!!
Yes, some will always be around. It’s a great feeling!
How wonderful to have kept that friendship close through changes and across the miles. I love Tonya’s series…and this is a perfect example of why.
I’m very lucky to have a friendship that has grown & changed with me.
She plunged your toilet for you? Now, thats a real friend.
I know right? And she plunged it in her church clothes too!
Awe this makes me sad she had to move away! How awesome to end up back in the same city for a while at least
I’m sad too, but I know we’ll keep our friendship going. Thank goodness for phones & the internet!
Friends like these are to be cherished for sure. I hope nothing ever comes between you two Rach.
Thanks, I hope so too.
What a beautiful letter, memories, and friendship!
{So very lucky to have each other, yes?}
I hope she sees this. Did she see this? I am happy you have sound someone you feel safe enough to be yourself with.
That is a gift beyond words.