One in every eight couples in the United States are affected by infertility.
Nearly six million families are childless. Some chose this option, but many more long for children that never come.
According to the National Survey of Family Growth, more than 1 million couples grapple with secondary infertility, a couple’s inability to conceive a baby, even though they’ve had at least one child in the past.
My husband and I are one of these couples. Since Lucas’ first birthday, I have had five miscarriages, one with the aid of IVF treatment.
Six months ago I apprehensively attended to my first RESOLVE support group meeting and after hearing the stories of each brave and compassionate woman around the table, I didn’t feel so alone anymore. Here were women, just like me that are angry, sad, confused and longing to have a child, their first or another.
I had made new friends.
One of those new friends was Annette Prieto-Llopis, who has written a wonderful piece on’s In America today called, The unheard voice of infertility: A Latina’s story.
Annette introduced me to Molly Nichols, better known as Inspirational Mama and from there I learned about Women Speak. In recognition of National Infertility Awareness Week (April 22-28), Molly is hosting Women Speak this Wednesday, April 25 in Orange County, California.
This event will bring together those who have been touched by infertility and will be filled with support, education and inspiration.
Molly has asked me to be a panel member at Women Speak and I am very excited (and more than a little nervous) about sharing my secondary infertility story. When she asked me to be a part of her event, I did not hesitate. I believe the more we talk and share and learn from one another, the better our experience will be. If my story, my voice helps just one other women who is suffering with infertility then I’ll be happy.
Infertility is nothing to be ashamed of.
If you live in Orange County and are suffering with infertility or know someone that is, I encourage you to attend this important event.
Infertility causes stress, sadness, frustration and loss for many couples. If you and your spouse are facing this condition, please learn all you can through reputable resources and organizations, such as RESOLVE, the National Infertility Association and attain the support you need to make the best decisions for you and your family.
Trust me when I tell you, you are not alone.
You are among friends.
A version of this post is also on Smart Mom Style today.
So very proud of you for doing this. You’re right, if your voice helps one person, you have made a world of difference.
I am so very proud of you, my friend! You will be amazing, and help put a friendly face on this very difficult journey you are on right now.
I am just so proud!!
So very glad that you have found a supportive community, and that you’re sharing your story. Good luck with the event, so proud of you for being part of it!
Yay! I’m very proud of you and I wished I would have known about it sooner so I could make arrangements to go! I am so glad all of us are talking openly about this…and I wish I could hear you speak!
I am SO proud of you for this! It’s so important for you to share your story. To give voices to the five you lost. To give breath to your experience so others know they are not alone either.
love to you, my friend.
So proud of you, T. I can’t tell you how glad I am you’re speaking out and owning this part of your story. xoxo
Oh how amazing Tonya, thank you for being a voice for infertility. I can’t think of a better person to speak about secondary infertility. Your words and story will help a couple, a woman to know they are not alone and that makes me so PROUD of you.
NO ones journey is the same, but it does help to know that on your journey you’re not walking alone. BRAVO!! xo
As a prior surrogate mother of twins, I am so sorry for your loss and pray that you can continue to build your family in whatever way your journey leads.
Your story will help MORE than one person, I am sure. So proud of you for speaking up.
Thanks for following me on Instagram! I’ve just started looking at your blog and had to read this post first.
My husband and I struggled for over five years to have our baby (our son is also Lucas) and finally conceived naturally with a little help from Clomid. We never went the IVF route which is why it took us so long.
I never suffered a loss but the Infertility was always a great sadness of ours, and for such a long time. We are grateful for our son and any other children we may be fortunate to have one day.
Thanks for sharing.
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