I left my phone in my friend’s car Monday night. The circumstances are still a bit hazy aren’t important. Upon discovering this Tuesday morning and after the twitching subsided, I actually enjoyed being without my phone for two days.
Because I have a laptop. 🙂
Yes, I was fine until the electricity went out for the better part of the afternoon on Wednesday, which also happened to be a rare day Lucas decided to take a nap.
To make matters worse, I decided if I couldn’t be online or watch TV that I would take a shower; shave my legs, deep condition my hair and put on a face mask, only to find our hot water had been shut off too!
No, we are not delinquent bill payers. It turns out there was some “power line” emergency on our street or rather a termite infested tree that had to be chopped down. I still don’t really know, as my husband and I both got different stories from the men in hard hats directing traffic.
At any rate, everything has been restored now and I learned a valuable lesson: while it might be nice (and necessary) to unplug every now and then, I like being connected.
I like commenting on Facebook status updates and posting photos of my kid and seeing yours on Instagram. I enjoy “checking in” places on Four Square and hearing my husband’s voice midday. I’m lost without my electronic calendar and having iTunes at the ready is comforting, as are the text messages my BFF and I share throughout the day. Pinterest is where I get all my good ideas anymore and I am bound and determined to beat Jessica at Scrabble one of these days!
In short, connection is good.
Just in case you wondering.
I get twitchy if I don’t have some kind of connection during the day!! So I totally understand.
I’m getting way too addicted to my phone. I have the ipad as well but it would do me good to unplug and refresh! Still waiting on that imperfect pic of your boy. ; )
YOU DID IT!!!!!!! *inserts Rocky theme song*
I admit I miss it when I don’t have my phone. It’s good to unplug once in a while. Like you, I enjoy the “connecting” more so than not 🙂
I say to you good luck in your Scrabble mission.
If it makes you feel any better, my sister always beats me (bad) at Scrabble.
I like being connected too 🙂
I like unplugging at times, but only if it’s on my own terms. I do like being connected!
And your Scrabble mission? Good luck. She cheats! 😉
I miss being connected when I take a break. I enjoy the break, but am dying to check comments or Facebook or Twitter.
So very true, connection *is* good and wowsa do we ever feel lost without it!
Yep. I can unplug if I need to but I like having the option.