We remembered.
We avoided eye contact at first.
We got dressed and put on make-up.
We went to brunch and toasted with champagne.
We enjoyed a little retail therapy and indulged in sweet treats. Both helped for a little while.
We received dozens of beautiful flowers and at least a 100 of other tokens of love and well wishes throughout the day in the form of phone calls, text messages, Facebook and Twitter posts. Each one helped immensely.
We listened to their favorite music and smiled.
We talked about the year ahead and what they would be missing.
We drew animals and painted shapes with Lucas and giggled.
We sat around the dining room table and devoured the comfort food my husband prepared. There were more toasts.
We looked through the sympathy cards we were sent four years ago. Many I had not read before. All of them heartfelt.
We went to a movie and sat side by side in the dark and laughed in all the same places.
We hugged.
We cried.
We remembered.
Another anniversary come and gone.
This tugged at my heartstrings. I’m sorry for your loss.
Thank you! My sister and I ended up having a pretty good day, considering.
I’ sorry for your loss. 🙁 But I’m really glad you and your sister have each other.
I would be lost without my sister!
Sounds like a great way to tribute them. I’m sure they wanted you all to be close and it sounds like you are. Hugs to both of you.
Thanks, Tayarra. We are very close and it was good that we could be together on Saturday.
I understand this all too well. Especially the days you actually have to remind yourself to breathe in & out. You find yourself forgetting to exhale and you catch yourself thinking for a moment, “How long have I been holding my breath?!” Remind yourself: In, out, rise & repeat. Much love to you & your sister.
Thanks, Nichole. Yes, sometimes just remembering how to breathe is difficult. Luckily, my sister and I were together.
This sounds like a great way to remember such wonderful people. I know they’re with you, watching your family grown. Sending hugs to you.
Thanks, Kim! I hope you right. 🙂
A lovely tribute to your parents, I know how much you and your sister miss them. I hope each passing year will be less painful. xo
Thanks, Alison. We do too!
I’m so glad you did that instead of letting the day just go by and not acknowledging the loss.
I think Kim’s right. 🙂
As much as we would have rather had spent the day in jammies in front of the TV, it was the right thing to do to get dressed, get out and feel. I’m so glad that my sister and I had/have each other.
I’m so happy that you have your sister and you two are so close for sad days like this one.
It’s so wonderful that your sister is near. I am so sorry for your loss. Hugs, friend.
I’m so sorry for your loss.
I wish that you didn’t have this day each year but I am SO glad you have your sister to remember with you. Sounds like you spent the day the best way that you could, together.
“Bibir awak dah biru, ada baiknya awak pakai dulu jaket saya ni, lagipun saya dah biasa dengan keadaan sejuk macam ni.”
” Luke, lepaskan rasa cinta awak pada saya. Biarkan ianya pergi, hinggapkan rasa cinta awak tu, pada Arina yang begitu mengharapkan cinta awak. Bina dan semai cinta awak pada dia, hanya pada dia. Lepaskan saya pergi,” luah Arissa, dadanya begitu sebak, namun dia masih dapat lagi menahan airmatanya dari mengalir.
hanya untuk mu
” Awak,jom kita ke Caf??, sebab ada hal penting yang patut saya bagi tahu awak. ” pintah Saiful.
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Mereka mengorak melangkah membelah senja.
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” Saudari kenal saya?”
Senyap.Pertanyaannya tidak dijawab. Awatif merenung raut wajah selamba di depannya.Dengan baju tak masuk dalam seluar,kasut dia tak payah cerita la..aku rasa kalau baling dalam tasik sekolah mahunya mati semua ikan!
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“Ah, lantaklah!” getus kedua-duanya dlm hati. Memang padan pun diorang berdua ni.
“Hani..Jom balik,”Hazriq senyum nipis.Hani angguk akur…
” Kau jangan buat andaian bukan-bukan. Kenal pun tidak. Daripada kau mengadu nasib dekat kami, ada baiknya, kau jumpa jejaka pilihan Mama kau. Tanya dia betul-betul. Entah-entah dia ada teman wanita, tetapi sebab Mak dia beria, dia ikut sahaja,”
Aku memandang sekeliling, aku salah masuk ke ni? aku menggaru kepala. Tiba-tiba cerita-cerita hantu yang pernah kutonton kembali terbayang di mata. Tambah-tambah lagi cerita Ghost TrAinna. Aku termasuk komuter berhantu ke ni???
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