Traveled the world. Motherhood best adventure.Me, stress? It’s my middle name.
Increasing patience level is extremely difficult.
Life. One mess after another. Literally.
It doesn’t get better than this.
Anxiously anticipating this time next year.
Constant state of missing someone dear.
Another day, another carton of milk.
Thinking of the end and smiling.
Thank you for loving me, Todd.
I’m still a work in progress.

I love the one about milk! Too true! haha–oh and your first one is awesome!
stopping by from Mama Kat's
These are great! It makes me regret not trying this prompt!
Hey Tonya…
GREAT post 🙂
You, like me, seem to be the type who id daunted by having to limit yourself to six words.
I completely avoided the task – YOU however… YOU made it your own and nailed it 🙂
Love how you used a bunch of six-word lines to tell the story succintly, yet kept to the structure.
Also did you realise… your post signature?
"The Best is yet to Come."
There's a profound memoir for ya.
Glad you have the name/URL option – there's a bunch of blogs I've visted where I can't comment because of Blogger still malfunction on the sign in. So YAY! Love it.
Fun post! The best is yet to be is a wonderful approach to life, I think. Always anticipating.
I like the on about life and messes. That's me too.
So Fun! Love the six word phrase collage!
Brilliant 😉
Thanks for making me smile today!
All excellent, Tonya! Good job, you. (six words!)
I wrote 3 or 4 of them too…then tried to pick. What a fun prompt, huh?
Increasing patience level is extremely difficult.
Life. One mess after another. Literally.
oh my – these struck a very personal cord with me LOL – great job!!
**visiting from Mama Kat's 🙂
I am shocked daily that we need more milk AGAIN!
The milk one made me laugh because my friend Karl drinks that much himself!
Love it
These are awesome! Love that you did it in a collage format. I'm always a work in progress! 😉
Fantastic job with this prompt, Tonya! My favourite: "I'm a work in progress." I need to share some of these with my Twittery friends – tweeting this!
Love "Life. One mess after another. Literally."
I just loved this prompt – and glad to see I'm not the only one who couldn't stop at just one!!
Great job! My favorite is the last work (work in progress)! I think I'll always be a work in progress.
These are all so creative. I like still a work in progress. stopping by from mamakat's.
well done, all of them!
yours were awesome! great post!
They're all lovely! This is the one I can relate to: "Constant state of missing someone dear."
These were so good. I saw 6 word and thought HUH? LOL
These are so good! I have one of these drafted, but my blogger is messed up (imagine that???) and I can't post the sucker. I really enjoyed "Thinking of the end and smiling." "Anxiously awaiting this time next year." "Thank you for loving me, Todd." It's amazing the impact you can have with just six words.
I love these but got choked up at a few (of course). Perfect post Tonya.
I can't believe you came up with more than 1 for this prompt. I couldn't even get one. My favorite was the one about life is one mess after another. So true.
I love how you used more than 1. It was hard enough for me to come up with just 1. "Thank you for loving me, Todd" My favorite!
I read a bunch of these this week and yours was my fave. 🙂
You cheated! That's definitely more than 6 words! Haha! Great sentances though- they all fit you to a T! : ) XOXO