So much of my day consists of this…… I line up Thomas and his friends, build train tracks, move trains along the tracks, rebuild train tracks, talk about trains, “feed” trains, sometimes watch trains on television, read about trains, wash and rewash train sippy cups, dishes and utensils, dig trains out of my purse, or shove them into it and try like hell to avoid breaking my neck by stepping on one of these guys.
This post is for Wordless Wednesdays and if you want to link up, or see some really beautiful photographs, please visit Alicia at A Beautiful Mess. This week, she is featuring a sweet thought on change.
Do we live in the same house? That is SO what the floor, or coffee table…or any surface of my house looks like! Ha!
Have you been spying on us? Trains are the only thing Zachary has. He owns no other toys. *sigh*
I love this picture. My son was OBSESSED with the show… he still has the wooden train set and the trains and still loves them (though now the cars drive on the train table too). I was a little (ok a lot) tired of the show myself though. I find that it is the same story over and over… and the voice/narrator is so monotone! The things we watch/do for our kids!
It looks like the trains are going to race. Since I have girls my days consist of baby dolls.
Seeing this pic makes me all reminiscent. So fun.
Looks just like my house, that Thomas sure is raking in our dollars!
I sort of miss those days.
Who am I kidding? No, I don't.
Wait…yes, I do.
We just bought our first Thomas DVD and I am sorely regretting it.
Is it bad that I vastly prefer Blue's Clue to Thomas?
Train Central here too. Mostly GeoTrax though. The Thomas trains are at their daycare.
Trains, trains, trains! Oh man….we never went there, but our world at Lucas' age was dinosaurs. I feel your pain.
I think we live in the same house!
We are even having a Thomas the Train themed 2nd birthday party in May…he sleeps with his trains. He bathes with his trains. He goes on "car rides" with his trains.
I have to sneak them out of my purse before we go play with other kids because if they touch his trains it is BAD! Any other toy he will share, but not the trains!
Is it sad that I can name all those trains & the bus? 🙂
What a neat picture-love the angle! I'm excited to play with all Lucas's choo choos this week!!