I can’t believe I’m actually going to attempt to keep a blog! I know several mothers that do and I enjoy reading theirs, so I guess I was feeling some self inflicted pressure to have my own.
I don’t even think I’ll let anyone know about it for a while, or at least not until I have a few entries. Whoever ends up reading this, please know that I don’t claim to be a very good writer – I get long winded and tend to use the wrong punctuation. What can I say, I like commas.
I want this to be a documentation of Lucas’ life, a way to capture all of his milestones and record my feelings on motherhood. My plan is to treat it as an online journal and I will keep it as if I’m writing letters to my son.
I promise to give it my best effort for I know what smiles it will bring (both of us) later when I reread it, plus it’s way better than talking to myself, especially since I’m certain my son already thinks I’m crazy.
What better way to start Letters to Lucas than sharing a letter I wrote him before he was even born?
Dear Baby Boy,
With all the words I know; all the quotes I’ve collected over the years, the song lyrics that have moved me and made me feel alive, the dialogues from movies and television shows that have brought me to tears, and passages in books that I have underlined because it felt like they reached out and spoke directly to me, I am at a complete loss for the perfect words to share with you that will convey how much you are wanted and loved and how glorious and kind I hope the world is to you as you make your journey through it. In return, I hope you are kind and glorious right back!
I will try my very best to be the parent you need, when you need it, I only ask a few things of you: dream big, read as much as you can, travel as far as you can, never stop asking questions, and always be good to your father. He is an amazing husband, will be an amazing father and deserves all of your love and respect.
You were created with love, carried with hope and welcomed with joy.
The best is yet to be.
I just wrote a comment on your 100th post and I thought I would come back to your very first one and comment! Wow, you've made it to 100 posts! Thats crazy! And you only have 249 days till you've been on here a year!! Maybe I'll copy you and start my very own blog when I move to LA. It looks like it could be fun and helpful for me to get my words out there. I just think that I would worry about not having anything to write about.. But you always seem to have things to discuss but you have a son and i do not.. haha Hmm… I'll let you know if I decide to start a blog.
Anyway, good luck with this blog! I hope you continue it for a long time!
Thanks for linking up your first ever post – you will see there is always something going on over at my blog – hope you make lots of new friends with the various link ups – check back often … but I will remind you by computermail (just warning you!)
and now your first evah post has another COMMENT!